mardi 4 novembre 2014

Vodka Pyla : The French quality


Vodka has long been regarded as symbolic in Russia. However, since the extraordinary adventure of Grey Goose in 1997 (developed by H.Mounier Cognac), it seems that the tradition of excellence and virtuosity of ancient French distillers are now required in the water sector life luxury. New Evidence: Vodka Pyla, produced by the group Lucien Bernard & Co (Bordeaux). A quasi-centennial and still family group concept that assumes particular importance as it is to build a real legitimacy to a new product.

Some vodkas are made with great care. But most of them have no taste and interest, if they are cheap, not worth much either. With Vodka Pyla, the process is exactly the opposite: we decided to develop an high-quality « eau-de-vie », from carefully selected raw materials, in this case the French corn without gluten. After distillation, the level is lowered to 40 ° C in several stages with water drawn deep into a web of Eocene (between 55 and 33 million years ago).

The result is so pure that, like the "new spirit" Scotch or White Armagnac (both from the still), there are at nose aromas as unexpected as delicate. On the palate, we firstly taste the softness and roundness of the « eau-de-vie » that lines and seduce. At table, it goes perfectly with an Aquitaine caviar, and will probably be just as fulfilling smoked salmon with a well chosen. As an aperitif, it will obviously be a very nice base for cocktails, but Vodka Pyla is rather an alcohol tasting : nice challenge for "bartenders" of all places !

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