samedi 8 novembre 2014

Survey on what defines young French Vodka drinkers

A survey has been done in SKEMA BUSINESS SCHOOL to define young French Vodka drinkers. Here is the results that is going to be very useful for our Vodka market study: 

1) How often do you drink Vodka ?

For 47% of the people we question it is a habit to consume vodka. And for the ones who are not drinking it often, it is still occasional. We can consider that if people think that drinking vodka is a habit it is because when they are use to drink something that they like, they keep drinking it, and they are loyal to it

2) For what reason do you choose Vodka ?

The big majority drink vodka because their friends drink it as well but also because they believe that this alcohol is very easy to mix with other soft drinks. We can notice that a fewer but noticeable number of students think the price could be a decisive aspect.

3) Where do you drink Vodka ?

Without any doubts students drink vodka in house parties and in clubs which induce that students like to drink vodka with their friends since we usually don’t go to those places on our own

4) Price influence:

As most of the consumption is still done off-trade, price influence is high, although not totally high, demonstrating caution.

5) Consumer’s major statements:

Vodka is associated to two main statements that confirm the spirit as a party spirit drunk by groups. We thought the results would be more extreme (let go) or more group driven, but it seems vodka consumption is a reflection of spirit consumption (with a slightly more important presence on-trade than other spirits).

Drinking spirits is generally associated with having a good time

6) Is vodka favored?

Surprisingly, Vodka isn’t the first choice of spirits.

7) So what happened with vodka’s consumption?

Vodka is acknowledged as being drunk less and less. There is both an experience effect and a search for more mature alcohols. Vodka is associated mainly with parties, and possibly young parties (although asking this target wouldn’t be useful)

8) Drinking frequency

If young people of 22-25 are drinking less vodka now than before, how does that translates in terms of frequency: do they have less drinking occasions during the month?

We clearly see that they still drink a lot, and vodka is still being consumed. But we didn’t asked for the number of glasses consumed per night, which would be more relevant, but in our case, not representative because of the really small base.

9) Vodka’s image vs. Consumer’s self-image

Concerning the perception of Vodka regarding the drinker’s self image, we observe some discrepancies.
Mixed results are due to the shift in spirits categories. As our frequency threshold is low due to the small population, we are counting drinkers, light drinkers and almost non- drinkers.
Nevertheless, delving into the tables, we observe a rationale pattern: the more the vodka is consumed, the more the drinker sees it as a reflection of himself.

10) Premiumization

Most of the population are students have no other option than consuming cheap spirits at students parties in nightclubs. This question adds the decision making in purchasing when having the choice which indicates that although there is a habit of cheapness, they push the boundaries of their price influence to get a better experience

11) Advertising vs. word to mouth

Our 5th hypothesis is invalidated: word to mouth is the most efficient way of advertising


12) Appendix: Brand relationship Research:


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