mardi 21 octobre 2014

And The Biggest Consumers of Vodka in The World Are ...


Indeed, according The Economist (an english newspaper), Russians are the world champions in Vodka consumption. With an amazaing total of two billion liters of vodka, so 13.9 liters per person (!) in 2013, they are the indisptuded leaders, representing half of the total consomption (4 billion liters consumed last year !)
Followed by other Eastern European countries, such as Belarus (11.3 liters per person), Ukraine (7.7) and Kazakhstan (5.9).

In comparison, the Americans, who are generally the second biggest Vodka consumers, consumed only 1,9 liters per person.

Here is a chart representing the highest consumption of some spirits like Vodka, Rum, Scotch Whisky, Gin and Tequilla) :


Sources : The Economist / 2013, July 13th Edition